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Puzzles & Games

Puzzles and games can be both meditative and calming activities for people of all ages. After a long or stressful day, games can provide a distraction. Puzzles give us a sense of control and purpose on days when we feel like we do not have either. Games; however, have more than just a therapeutic effect.They can increase concentration, improve memory, and positively stimulate the brain. When you have a short break, relax, and try one of these free games.    

Play is perhaps one of the best ways to learn about new things. That is why creative coders in the Google Arts & Culture Lab created "Play with Arts & Culture" - a collection of interactive games that make art, culture and history accessible in a fun and educational way. Everybody is invited to test their knowledge, solve puzzles or get creative on their own or together with friends and family.

Play with Arts & Culture
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