mo·ti·va·tion | /ˌmōdəˈvāSH(ə)n/ | noun
the general desire or willingness of someone to do something
There are times when we need a little motivation to help when we are stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, or on the verge of giving up. Motivational quotes can help you reach your fullest potential and allow you to push through whatever you are struggling with.
This site is designed to help if you need extra encouragement in the areas of confidence, hope, humility, kindness, love, patience, peace, and self-control. If the first quote doesn't inspire you, then you are able to click on the "more" option to populate another quote.
So whether you are stressed about an upcoming test, balancing extracurricular activities, or just the uncertainty of the future, know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.There are things in life that we can control and things that are out of our control — and that's okay! So Choose the Motivation You Need to get through the moment, day, or week.